Mobile stats and facts 2013

Mary Meeker

Every year Mary Meeker from venture capital firm Kleiner, Perkins, Caufeld and Byers gives an overview of the most important Internet trends. She is an authority in this field and her presentation of last week has been viewed more than a million times on Slideshare. Meeker says that mobile is one of the eight most important trends.


Shareforce has summarized the ten most important stats, facts and trends for 2013 from Meekers presentation for you:

  1. Ad revenue: 12% of internet time is spent on a mobile, while only 3% of ad spending goes to mobile. There is an enormous potential for growth.
  2. Market shares: Android and iOS dominate smartphones. Samsungs market share is 29% and Apple’s market share 22% in the fourth quarter of 2012.
  3. Sharing: people share 9x more information than five years ago. Mobile plays an important role in the sharing of images, video, sound and data.
  4. Sentiment: mobile has a very positive sentiment among users. They use words like ‘connected’, ‘excited’ and ‘curious / interested’ to describe the trend.
  5. Traffic: mobile is responsible for 15% of all worldwide Internet traffic. This will grow to 30% in 2014.
  6. Asia: in countries like China and South Korea the mobile market share is larger or equal to that of the desktop. In China the time spent on a mobile is almost double of that in the USA.
  7. Facebook: 30% of all advertising revenue from Facebook is mobile.
  8. Potential: smartphone usage is still early stage. It has a growth potential of billions.
  9. Tablets: tablet sales have grown faster than smartphone sales. iPad sales grow 3x faster than iPhone. Tablet sales have surpassed the PC and Desktop.
  10. Wearables: in 2014 wearables (Google Glass, Watches, Health Devices) will slowly take over the role of mobile devices. This is an important trend to keep in mind.

The presentation of Mary Meeker is a must for everybody that works in the mobile and Internet industry. For all of you that have not studied the presentation, you can find it below:




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